There is Hope Beyond Abortion.
Hope Beyond Abortion exists to bring glory to Christ by spurring and equipping His Church to be active in spreading the gospel in the arena of abortion.
The Night For Life
Join us for an evening of Hope that will include dinner, a silent auction, raffle with prizes, and wonderful speakers including well known pro-life proponent, Seth Gruber! Come learn how the battle to end abortion has changed, how Hope Beyond Abortion has grown, and its plans for the coming year and beyond.
FREE T-Shirt/Hoodie?
Join us in our mission and access a FREE exclusive HBA t-shirt and/or Hoodie
What HBA Offers:
Hope Beyond Abortion offers anything from speaking engagements, Sunday sermons and church events, to full scale help in launching your own abortion ministry in your church as well as on-going coaching.
How Can You Help?
There are many different ways for an individual, a church, or an organization to get involved in the fight to protect life and end abortion. Click below for some practical ways you can help:
Current Events
Learn about what is going on across the country as well as HBA highlights and official statements.