HBA Official Statement on Dobbs
June 24, 2022
The shot heard around the world. Kennedy’s assassination. September 11th 2001. Moments in United States history that stopped time. Events that impacted every American, and in a blink effected the trajectory of our nation. This is a moment in history that we will remember vividly. Where we were. Who told us. Our reaction.
Today we rejoice at the fall of Roe. We thank the Court for honoring the Lord. We take a collective deep breath. We prepare. We must recognize the magnitude of the battle won, and understand that the war will rage on. The frontlines have moved from First Street in Washington DC to our backyards. One victory has created 50 opportunities for the truth to prevail, and for the will of the Lord to press on. So what is our role? First, pray. It is imperative for us to align our heart with the will of the Lord. Then act.
At the state level we must call the hearts and minds of our Representatives and Senators to remember the truth. Equal protection of our children in the womb is the only biblically consistent position. Killing a child in the womb is murder. Both the holy Word of God and modern science agree that life begins at conception, and we must make laws that reflect that standard. Abortion must be criminalized because murder is criminal. And once it is criminalized the laws must be enforced.
We agree with Scripture that life is God given with both purpose and intent. We agree with Christ that we ought to teach the nations what he said, and to observe all that He has commanded. Stand with us as we continue to support children and families in need. Stand with us as we promote law that will reflect the holiness, goodness, and perfection of the triune God of Scripture.
May 3, 2022
HBA Official Statement
We don’t hide nor play down our outspoken stance on abortion. We unapologetically proclaim the Holy and Perfect word of God. In His word, life is clearly defined at the moment of conception, and that life is given with purpose and meaning (Psalm 139/Jeremiah 1/ Psalm 127/and more).
Abortion is the unjust taking of a human life, by the act of either chemical poisoning or surgical dismemberment. Abortion is NOT the termination of an unwanted pregnancy, it is the termination of life itself, with independent DNA of the mother and father, and most cases a detectable heart beat. While we as a ministry agree with these scientific and legal markers of life being used to defend life, the ultimate declaration of life beginning in the womb, at conception, are the words of Holy Scripture.
The leak made to the media last night of the vote totals and opinion letters from the SCOTUS was nothing more than a last ditch effort of partisan liberal judges and their staff to stir up the court of public appeal. This is a fear tactic that they hope will lead to flipping of votes in favor to uphold the wrongfully decided court opinion of Roe V Wade. You will see a massive out pour of cash spent, media bias, and pop culture influence to mount an attack of public pressure and violence toward those who are bold enough to stand for the pre born image bearers of God and the judges willing to the right thing and protect human life.
While we (HBA) are happy about the information that was leaked, the act of that leak is not only criminal, it is unethical, and dangerous. We fully condemn and rebuke any parties involved, no matter their political affiliations.
If this case is settled in the manner that the media is portraying that it will be settled, this does not mean an absolute victory. What it means is the start of a very winnable fight. If Roe falls, we will have 50 smaller and much more winnable opportunities to voices used to reliever the word of God to our law makers and call for the outright abolition of abortion in all 50 states.
We as a ministry implore all churches and believers to become active in letter writing campaigns, state senate and house rep office visitations, public calls for biblical obedience to God’s law, and the backing of ministries that are active in the fight to end abortion. We see other ministries as our allies that play important roles in the care of mothers in the proclaiming of the gospel, but there are only a small handful of ministries willing to engage in front of abortion clinics, engage with state legislatures, and in the equipping of the church for the single most important fight that she has seen in the last millennia. 
There has never been a time for neutrality in this fight, so please do not see this is the opportunity for neutrality to take hold. The only successful outcome is that the image bear in the mothers womb is given the dignity and protection of life that God‘s word calls for.
We need your financial, physical, and prayer support. Please join the fight here at Hopebeyondabortion.com